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We have been able to remain continuously open throughout the pandemic by strictly adhering to recommended safety protocols.

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We are proud to offer full veterinary care indoors and curbside to our community during this time. Please CALL ahead of your appointment and specify location preference to our staff.



Monday thru Friday 8:30AM - 4PM

Saturday 8:30AM - 12Noon


As of Saturday, May 29, 2021:

After this year of managing safety concerns during the pandemic, we are so excited to welcome you back into the building! It has been a long and challenging time, and we are proud that we managed to stay open the entire duration of the pandemic. We adapted constantly to the shifting medical advice, stress, and weather while providing a curbside protocol. We appreciate you, our community, for your solidarity. 

In order to keep you and our staff safe indoors, we require that only one person accompany an animal into the building. You must remain masked while inside. Please continue to call upon arrival to let us know your appointment location preference. If you are more comfortable remaining in your vehicle, you are encouraged to do so, we certainly have mastered curbside care! Medicine pickups and Technician appointments will continue to be outside. 

Please understand, individual vaccine choices are private and should remain so. We will not be asking your status, or taking into consideration your offered "I’m vaccinated" status- as others may not be. We are not the ‘mask police’, our role is to care for your animals. 

We thank you for embracing this pandemic transition, with awkwardness, confusion, and anxiety for many (including us!). Some are grieving the loss of a loved one, or of a feeling of safety and stability. Vaccinated or unvaccinated, masked or unmasked, please practice kindness and patience as we enter into this new chapter together. 

Thank you, 

 Dr Emily Newman + Bilmar Staff


Kindness & compassion are central to our practice.